Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Doctor's Health Tips - 1

Although more and more people are becoming health and fitness-conscious, many are still misled by some diet and fitness myths surrounding the matter. Here are some information to enlighten you about fitness and health.

Being slim does not really mean being fit? Body weight is not a predictor of fitness level. Regardless of age, and body shape, you have to get up, get out and get going.

Eating slowly can actually help you peel off pounds? Try to develop a permanent habit of eating slowly if you want long term result.

Potassium can help lower blood pressure? To boost your potassium intake, reach for potatoes, orange juice, cantaloupe, skim milk, tomatoes and – the old stand-by-bananas.

Men with male-pattern baldness (hair that recedes and thins from crown outward) are most likely to have higher cholesterol and blood pressure levels than their thicker-haired peers. Some studies indicate that a hormonal imbalance may be behind the risk factors in both baldness and heart disease.

During the four days surrounding ovulation, women consumed about 300 fewer calories a day that usual, a drop that coincides with a surge in estrogen level?

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